Reflecting on 2024 – A year of connections and collaboration

Dec 19, 2024 | All News & Media

As we wind down for the year, we wanted to take a moment to pause, reflect on and celebrate the strides we’ve made with our community in 2024.

In Australia, we’ve just reached a milestone of 1.5 million people trained in Mental Health First Aid® since course delivery commenced almost 25 years ago. That includes more than 120,000 Australians trained this year alone! Globally, we surpassed 8 million people trained in MHFA in 2024. Each of these individuals now has the skills, confidence and knowledge to recognise, understand and support someone experiencing mental health problems or crises.

Looking ahead to the new year, 2025 will mark an exciting milestone for Mental Health First Aid International. Mental Health First Aid is turning 25! With the launch of our new strategic plan focused on rapid growth, 2025 is shaping up to be a year of action and impact. 

Before we step into our milestone year, we wanted to share just some of the highlights from 2024: 

The Hon Emma McBride MP launches the new Mental Health First Aid for Health Professional Students course.

The Hon Emma McBride MP launches the new MHFA for Health Professional Students program. 

Launched a new course for health professional students

We launched the MHFA for Health Professional Students course, in partnership with Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand and in collaboration with the Australasian Council of Deans of Health Sciences, and the Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery.

This program will see more than 100,000 future health professionals trained in MHFA over the next four years – and opens the door to future collaborations with peak tertiary bodies.

Mental Health First Aid International CEO Angus Clelland speaks to health professional students at the launch event

On the eve of World Mental Health Day, commuters were asked if they’d know how to have a conversation that may save a life.

Raised awareness of mental health first aid in communities

Our ‘Would You Know What to Say’ and ‘Make Every Conversation Matter’ campaigns raised awareness of the potentially life-saving power of mental health first aid conversations.

Funded by the National Suicide Prevention Leadership and Support Program (NSPLSP), these campaigns aim to improve mental health literacy and build capacity for peer-to-peer support within the broader Australian community.  


Blue Dressed Woman Smiling-Mental Health Stories

Published a new series featuring real-life stories from MHFAiders and Instructors

Our Stories series features first-hand accounts of the diverse experiences of MHFAiders and Instructors, and how their skills have helped them to recognise signs of mental health problems, offer support and guide people toward the help they need.


Craig finds a brief respite with his loyal companion amidst the harsh conditions of a desert deployment.

Launched a new program to protect veteran mental health 

Funded by the Australian Government Department of Veterans’ Affairs and delivered in collaboration with LivingWorks Australia, Mental Health Protect is a free mental health and suicide prevention training program available to veterans, their families and all those who support them. Read the media release or watch the online launch session.

Janie McCullagh (centre), Quality Manager, visits Taiwan to support their development of the Standard MHFA program and prepare their first cohort of instructors

Strengthened our commitment to international partners

A key focus of this year has been strengthening our connection and collaboration with our international partners across 30 countries. Connecting with the MHFA partners is helping to strengthen international collaboration, continue to enhance the quality of our programs, and ultimately accelerate the growth and impact of MHFA worldwide.

Deanna Roepke, Chuck Ingoglia and Tramaine EL-Amin join the Mental Health First Aid International team in our office, presenting on their work in delivering MHFA training to more than 4 million Americans. 

Lynette and Clifford (front) from our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander MHFA Programs team at the 4th Indigenous Wellbeing Conference in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland). Joined by instructors Kerrie and Julie (back) who are passionate about delivering MHFA courses in NZ on behalf of MHFA Aotearoa.

Enhanced our focus on prioritising and promoting the social and emotional wellbeing of Australia’s First Peoples 

The organisation elevated the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander MHFA Program into our organisational structure both as part of a strategic priority and an independent portfolio. This will be instrumental in expanding the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander program and workforce, ensuring it is culturally capable and responsive to the needs of First Nations people.     


Ramped up our focus on partnerships and collaboration 

We can’t achieve our vision of a world where we all have the skills and confidence to support people experiencing mental health problems alone. That’s why we established new Instructor Reference and MHFAider Advisory Groups, and renewed our commitment to being part of a unified, whole-of-sector approach to mental health reform and ensuring people have access to support when they need it most.

The Hon Mark Butler, Minister for Health and Aged Care, meets Algee the Koala at the Mental Health Expo at Parliament House

The Hon Emma McBride, with CEO Angus Clelland and Exec Director Strategic Relationships and Advocacy Marc Bryant, discussing MHFA for pre-service teachers. 

Engaged with government to advocate for MHFA at scale

Engaging with government is now a key priority to ensure MHFA training is incorporated into government early intervention and prevention strategies. Through this work, we will advocate for greater investment in MHFA to deliver programs at scale and support priority groups like youth, teachers, veterans and future workforces, particularly in professionals like health and education.

Advocated for stronger investment in mental health reform via a sector event

In August, we hosted a reform event with Mental Health Australia. The event featured a keynote president from Chuck Ingoglia, President and CEO of the peak US body National Council for Mental Wellbeing, about the success of their mental health walk-in centre program. An expert panel also discussed how investment in these centres could help provide timely, responsive care in communities in Australia. Watch the recording

Thank you to everyone who helped to develop and deliver our programs, attended courses, collaborated with us on new programs and initiatives, expanded the reach of MHFA, and made every conversation matter this year. 

Here’s to an even bigger 2025 as we celebrate 25 years of empowering communities, conversations and connection and look ahead to increasing our reach and impact in the next 25.

For media enquiries, please contact: Chris Wagner | 0434 378 939

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